AWS CloudFormation

Security issues (0)
Severity Non-Compliance Region Resource Issue Remediation Read more Action
Stacks (23)
Region Stack name Status Created time Description Security issues
us-east-1 test-scanner Create complete Prevasio CSPM security scanner cross-account role
us-east-1 EC2ContainerService-my-cluster Create complete AWS CloudFormation template to create a new VPC to work with Fargate in Create Cluster Wizard
us-east-1 awseb-e-wbppgmzevf-stack Delete failed AWS Elastic Beanstalk environment (Name: 'Sampleapplication-env' Id: 'e-wbppgmzevf')
us-east-2 eksctl-rony-east2test-cluster-cluster Rollback complete EKS cluster (dedicated VPC: true, dedicated IAM: true) [created and managed by eksctl]
us-east-2 eksctl-rony-slim-and-mean-cluster Create complete EKS cluster (dedicated VPC: true, dedicated IAM: true) [created and managed by eksctl]
us-east-2 SySdigECRImageScanning Create complete ECR Image Scanning with Sysdig Secure
us-east-2 EC2ContainerService-rony-sample-cluster Create complete AWS CloudFormation template to create a new ECS Fargate First Run stack
us-east-2 EC2ContainerService-sample-cluster Rollback complete AWS CloudFormation template to create a new ECS Fargate First Run stack
us-east-2 eksctl-ronyfargatefeb3rd531-cluster Create complete EKS cluster (dedicated VPC: true, dedicated IAM: true) [created and managed by eksctl]
us-east-2 eksctl-scan-my-fargatecluster-cluster Create complete EKS cluster (dedicated VPC: true, dedicated IAM: true) [created and managed by eksctl]
us-east-2 eksctl-beautiful-outfit-1611727262-nodegroup-ng-a96c6ebc Create complete EKS nodes (AMI family: AmazonLinux2, SSH access: false, private networking: false) [created and managed by eksctl]
us-east-2 eksctl-beautiful-outfit-1611727262-cluster Create complete EKS cluster (dedicated VPC: true, dedicated IAM: true) [created and managed by eksctl]
us-east-2 ecr-changes Rollback complete
us-east-2 ecr-detect Rollback complete
us-east-2 ecr-chg Rollback complete
us-east-2 rmstack-vpc-nat-opt Update complete
us-west-2 EC2ContainerService-Rony-EFC-ECS-Test Create complete AWS CloudFormation template to create a new VPC or use an existing VPC for ECS deployment in Create Cluster Wizard. Requires exactly 1 Instance Types for a Spot Request.
us-west-2 test-scanner Create complete Prevasio CSPM security scanner cross-account role
us-west-2 eksctl-test-fargate-west2-cluster Create complete EKS cluster (dedicated VPC: true, dedicated IAM: true) [created and managed by eksctl]
us-west-2 eksctl-rony-fargate-west2-cluster Create complete EKS cluster (dedicated VPC: true, dedicated IAM: true) [created and managed by eksctl]
us-west-2 eksctl-rony-west2test-cluster-nodegroup-ng-8ace50be Create complete EKS Managed Nodes (SSH access: true) [created by eksctl]
us-west-2 eksctl-rony-west2test-cluster-addon-iamserviceaccount-kube-system-aws-node Create complete IAM role for serviceaccount "kube-system/aws-node" [created and managed by eksctl]
us-west-2 eksctl-rony-west2test-cluster-cluster Create complete EKS cluster (dedicated VPC: true, dedicated IAM: true) [created and managed by eksctl]